game development
Answer Campus
Character design, illustration, conceptualization
2022- Present
An excitingly realistic visual choose-your-own adventure game that takes you on a journey through a college campus to explore challenging scenarios around identity markers such as race, gender, sexuality, ableism, and more.
While I attended the University of Miami in Fall of 2022, I was hired as a character designer for Answer Campus by NerdLab, an award-winning faculty-student cooperative driven by research, development, and an enthusiasm for social impact.
I participated in brainstorming characters with moodboards and design sketch challenges with my team. While we received our descriptions from the writer's room, ultimately I was mainly in charge of bringing Breanna and Charli to life.
Illustrating entailed drawing expressions and poses for the characters as their reactions to different player options. I continued to work and illustrate the game and my characters even after I transferred to Florida State University.
2024 Serious
Play Award
The International Serious Play Awards honor outstanding learning products that incorporate game elements to further education or training.
1st Place Emerging
Media & Technology
Issued by the Broadcast Education Association with more than 1,700 submissions from over 300 member institutions.
Games for
Change Panelist
The 2024 Games for Change Festival centered on "The 2030 Marker: A Catalyst for Global Change."
Follow Our Journey!
Answer Campus is still in development, but you can follow NerdLab on social media and keep up with this project. Feel free to view other NerdLab initiatives, too!